wills & estate planning

how we can help You with your wills & estate planning
A will is one part of “estate planning”.
The right will for your personal circumstances is one of the things you need as part of your estate planning.
A will may be simple or complex – what is important is getting the right will for you.
court authorised Wills
To make a will, the willmaker must have ‘testamentary capacity’. The Supreme Court can make a will for those who lack testamentary capacity.
testamentary trusts
A testamentary trust is a trust established in a will that does not come into effect until the death of the willmaker. The terms of the trust are contained in the will.
powers of attorney
A power of attorney is a legal document that enables a person (the principal) to nominate a person (the attorney) to make decisions on their behalf.
superannuation death benefit nominations
Under the superannuation legislation, your death benefits can only be paid to your estate and/or directly to one or more of your superannuation dependents. Who qualifies as a "superannuation dependant"?
special disability trusts
A special disability trust is a trust that provides special social security and tax concessions for the benefit of an eligible beneficiary.
advance health directives
An advance health directive is a legal document that enables you to give binding directions about your future health care decisions, medical procedures and life-sustaining treatment.
wills & estate planning FAq
Visit our wills & estate planning FAQ page for the answers to our most frequently asked questions.