our pricing

We hate bill surprises as much as you!

We’re dedicated to price transparency from the get-go. That is why most of our services are provided on a fixed fee basis so there is no bill shock.

estate planning


A fixed fee cost agreement enables us to provide you with an agreed price, up front, so you have certainty about the cost of our service.

Experience in the area of estate planning and estate administration allows us to provide a fixed-fee price for our estate planning and estate administration services – prices that are fair for you and our business.

When you engage our services, we will provide you with a cost disclosure notice that has a detailed description of the work to be performed for the agreed price. The cost disclosure notice will also provide a description of services that are outside the scope of work and a description of foreseeable contingencies that might affect the scope of work and agreed price. As soon as we become aware that additional work is required or complications have arisen, you will be informed.