contact us

Use our online wills & estate planning questionnaire to help you know what lies ahead, and to help us to get to know about your matter before we meet. It’s free and obligation free!
Providing as much information as you can in the questionnaire before we meet helps us to provide our reasonable fixed fees.
You can start the questionnaire now, in the comfort of your home, and add information to it later.
If you struggle with technology, that’s ok too. Just call us for a free 15 minute telephone call to discuss your matter and we will book you in for an initial appointment.

Use our online probate & estate administration questionnaire to help you know what lies ahead, and to help us to get to know about your matter before we meet. It’s free and obligation free!
Providing as much information as you can in the questionnaire before we meet helps us to provide our reasonable fixed fees.
You can start the questionnaire now, in the comfort of your home, and add information to it later.
If you struggle with technology, that’s ok too. Just call us for a free 15 minute telephone call to discuss your matter and we will book you in for an initial appointment.
Get in touch
PO Box 5870
If you don’t know where to start, start with a free 15 minute telephone call to see if we can help.
Click here to book in a 15 minute chat:
If you’ve completed the online questionnaire and are ready to book your first appointment, click here: